- Can I feed both kibble and raw food?
Here’s the scoop. Although we do believe that feeding only a raw diet is best, if you still need to feed some kibble (due to budget or convenience), you can feed both kibble and raw food in separate meals. However, you should never mix the two together! Kibble and raw should be fed separately as they are digested differently by both dogs and cats.
We generally recommend only feeding raw, but if you’re not ready yet, you have a couple of options:
- Feed one raw meal and one kibble meal per day.
- Feed raw for several days, then feed kibble for several days.
We believe that some raw is better than no raw!
- I'm interested but confused. How much should I feed my dog or cat?
We’ve made this pet-owner proof. Simply use of quick and easy Feeding Calculator to find out the specific feeding recommendations for your pet.
- My local retailer doesn't carry your food, can I order direct from you?
If your retailer does not carry Bold by Nature, please send us an email and we can reach out to them. Most retailers will order a product if a customer asks for it.
- So, why choose raw pet food?
We live for this question. Get raw facts by visiting our Why Raw section, Contacting Us to speak to a live Pets-pert.
- Are Bold by Nature+ Supplements okay to use for both cats and dogs?
Yes, we do not carry separate dog supplements or cat supplements. Our supplements are perfectly safe for your cats and dogs to use and we’re sure they’ll appreciate the extra tastes! Please read directions on label for more information!
- Why choose Bold Nature select?
Our Bold by Nature Select line is our signature blend of raw food for dogs. It is made from natural ‘green’ tripe, ground meat and bones, organ meat, and kelp. The tripe is sourced from 100 % Canadian cows.
The ratio of Select is 70% meat, 15% beef tripe, 10% bone and 5% organs.
The idea behind Bold by Nature Select was to model the natural prey diet of a cat or a dog, using tripe to add omega oils, probiotics, and digestive enzymes to encourage a healthy stomach.
Our Select Raw blends were also designed to provide a carbohydrate free raw diet option. The blend contains no fruits or veggies, which is great for pets with diabetes, yeast issues, or weight problems. It is also gluten free!
When we started feeding the blend, there were immediate, positive effects for our dogs’ health — from the youngest pups to the senior pack members. Here are the benefits that we discovered:
Well-formed stools & much less to clean up
Better digestion due to natural probiotics found in tripe
Cleaner teeth
Improved quality of coat & fur
Better appetite from picky eaters - Why choose Bold by Nature Mega?
The Bold by Nature Mega line was created to provide an affordable raw food option for families with bigger dogs or multi-dog households.
The ratios of Bold by Nature Mega are 78% meat, 10% bone, 7% vegetable blend and 5% organs.
Our Bold by Nature Mega line stays true to the dietary philosophy of Bold by Nature Select, aiming to model the natural prey diet and provide a reduced carbohydrate option.
The difference in Mega Dog Raw is that nutritious, farm-fresh vegetables have replaced the tripe to meet the portion needs of a bigger dog at a more economical price point. The blend still contains a low vegetable content (7%) compared to similarly-priced options.
Here are some of the other reasons to feed Bold by Nature Mega:
Easy to scoop-and-serve tub format or convenient pre-portioned 8oz patties
Tub reseals to prevent leaks in the fridge
Nutritious veggies, no filler content
Dogs love it — thanks to the high meat content - Can I feed both Bold by Nature Select and Mega to my dog?
Yes, you can feed both at any time. Pets need variety in their diets and bowls, just like humans. We recommend that you rotate proteins and recipes on a regular basis, as this will improve your pet’s health in the long term.
- What are the Bold by Nature Mega Base Blends all about?
Our Bold By Nature Mega Base Blends are the perfect option for pet owners who create their own raw pet food mix. We have three Base Blend offerings: Mega Blend, Pure Pork, and Pure Duck. These blends are not balanced as they do not contain vegetables or kelp.
To balanced the diet, they should be supplemented with any of the following:
Other supplements
Please feel free to contact us for more information on how to properly feed your pet with our Bold by Nature Base Blends. - Can I feed both kibble and raw food?
Yes, you can!
Here’s the scoop. Although we do believe that feeding only a raw food diet is best, it is safe to feed both raw food and kibble.
We believe that some raw is better than no raw!
- So, why choose raw pet food?
We live for this question. Get the raw facts by visiting our Why Raw section, The Bold Blog or by contacting us to speak to a live Pets-pert.
- I'm interested but confused. How much should I feed my dog or cat?
We’ve made this pet-owner proof. Simply use of quick and easy Feeding Calculator to find out the specific feeding recommendations for your pet.
- My cat won't eat raw food, how do I switch it?
This is not uncommon! Most cats need a bit of time to make the switch.
If your cat does not take to raw right away, mix the raw blend with canned cat food. For example, start with ¼ raw food and ¾ canned food. Gradually reduce the canned food until you are feeding an entirely raw diet. Every cat is different — be patient as this can be a lengthy process!
Contact us if you need help switching your cat to raw.
- How much tripe should I feed my pet as a supplement?
Tripe can be fed as a supplement to complement any diet. For more information on the natural benefits of tripe, click here.
- Wait, what is tripe?
Tripe is the stomach of a cow, deer, sheep, or any other ruminant animal. Ruminant animals possess up to four stomach chambers where they break down and acquire nutrients from their food during digestion.
Dogs should be fed tripe in its purest form, a natural ‘green’ state, for it to be most beneficial. This means the tripe has not been denatured.
- Why does your raw food include tripe?
Tripe is an amazing nutritional food for your pet, especially when served in its natural ‘green’ state. It will help with brain function, heart function, skin and coat quality, and, most importantly digestion!
Here are some facts about our Bold by Nature natural ‘green’ tripe:
It contains a high amount of omega fatty acids, including omega 3. Tripe serves as a great alternative to omega 3 options, such as fish oil.
It is high in fibre because it contains grasses from the cow’s diet.
It is high in Vitamin B complex, which supports brain function, heart function, skin health, coat health and more.
It contains many healthy probiotics, naturally occurring bacterium that aid in digestion.
Our Bold by Nature tripe is the go-to food for picky eaters. Put 1/2 – 1 x 3 ounce patty of green beef tripe in any meal and your dog will eat it. - Where does Bold by Nature Tripe come from?
Our tripe is made from the stomachs of Canadian cows. We have sourced our tripe from government-inspected facilities that pass safety standards required for human consumption.
- Where do Bold by Nature meats come from?
Similar to our Bold by Nature Tripe, our meat passes strict safety inspections for human consumption and is only sourced from government-inspected facilities that meet these same safety standards.
The majority of our meats come from local Canadian farms. Even our kelp comes from Atlantic Canada! Here is a list of our local farmers and processors:
– Sargent Farms , Fresh chicken delivered weekly from Milton Ontario
– Conestoga Pork, Fresh pork delivered weekly from Cambridge Ontario
– Highland Farms , Fresh and frozen beef delivered weekly from Stoney creek Ontario
– Norpac , fresh tripe picked up weekly from Woolwich Ontario
– Abate Packers, Fresh & forzen rabbits delivered weekly from Arthur Ontario
- Why don't you use fruit and veggies in your Bold by Nature Select line?
Because we have our secret ingredient, tripe! Tripe contains all of the nutrition that fruits and veggies normally supply. This includes antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and fibre from grasses in the cow’s stomach. The bonus is that tripe is also rich in probiotics and omega-3 fatty acids. A tripe-based blend offers a nutritionally complete raw diet for pets, all from one basic ingredient.
- If you're feeding raw food, what are the risks from bacteria like salmonella and e-coil?
Not all raw diets are created equal. Here at Bold by Nature, we take food safety very seriously. We follow a strict food safety program (HACCP) to reduce the risk from pathogens. All our meats are sourced from government-inspected, certified facilities that pass safety standards required for human consumption. Each finished formula must pass strict quality control protocols before shipping.
- Is my dog susceptible to bacteria?
Dogs have a much higher tolerance to bacteria than humans. Think about all the times that you have seen your dog sticking their nose in dirty things, drinking out of puddles or eating stuff off the ground!
Dogs have three things that help them deal with harmful bacteria:
- Saliva that contains bacteria-fighting enzymes.
- Highly acidic gastric juices that break down bacteria in their stomach.
- A short digestive tract that is able to quickly process what they eat.
Your dog can handle a certain amount of bacteria without any issue. Any high quality commercial raw pet food should be no problem, but it’s important to avoid raw pet food that people make cheaply or sell out of their homes. Remember that not all raw diets are created equal.
- Can a raw food diet cause diarrhea for my pet?
Very rarely does switching to a raw pet food diet cause diarrhea. This is very uncommon. In most cases, a raw pet food diet will lead to firmer, more consistent poops within 24 hours. Your poop bags will thank you.
- Do you have a nutritional analysis for your products?
Yes, you can view a nutritional analysis for each Bold by Nature product by browsing our specific product pages.
- Why is your product more expensive than some other raw pet food brands?
Remember, not all raw is created equal. By remaining true to the Bold standard, we lead the pack in the raw pet food category. Our Bold by Nature Select line is more expensive than other raw food brands mainly because of our natural green tripe content and how much is in each formula. Both our Select and Mega lines use high-end cuts of meat in larger quantities than other brands, which contributes to the costs as well.
Our philosophy is to source meats we’d serve ourselves. If you were buying meat for yourself, you wouldn’t trust a cut of chicken or beef that cost $1 per lb. Don’t treat your pet any differently!
If you’re looking for more information on making the Bold switch to better, contact us today. Our Pets-perts are waiting.
- My local retailer doesn't carry your food, can I order direct from you?
If your retailer does not carry Bold by Nature, please send us an email and we can reach out to them. Most retailers will order a product if a customer asks for it.
You can also visit our retail store located in Erin, Ontario, where you can purchase all our products at retail price. Visit our Contact Us page for location hours.
- Why should I use Bold by Nature+ Supplements? Are they important to my pet's diet?
Supplements are used for a variety of reasons, each with their own benefits. They can improve overall wellness and assist your pet in different areas of their lives. Learn more about them on our Supplements page.
- How will Bold by Nature+ Supplements benefit my pet?
Made with locally sourced ingredients, our new pet health supplements have been formulated to improve overall pet wellness, promote a healthier coat, and more.
- My pet is on medication. Can I use Bold by Nature+ Supplements?
Our rule of thumb — always check with your veterinarian if your pet is on medication. For example, our Slippery Elm can sometimes change how medication is absorbed in the digestive tract. So, it isn’t always recommended for use with some medications. It is also important to note that some of our Bold by Nature+ Supplements can be used on a regular basis, like the Green Lipped Mussel. Others are to be used on a temporary basis. Please read directions on label for more information.
- Si je nourris mon animal avec de la nourriture crue, est-ce que je l’expose à des bactéries comme la salmonelle et E. coli?
Les régimes crus ne naissent pas tous égaux. Chez Bold by Nature, nous prenons la sécurité alimentaire très au sérieux. Nous respectons un programme de sécurité alimentaire rigoureux (HACCP) pour réduire les risques liés aux pathogènes. Toutes nos viandes proviennent d’installations soumises à des inspections gouvernementales, et se conforment aux mêmes normes sanitaires que si elles étaient destinées à la consommation humaine. Chaque recette de mélange doit être soumise à des protocoles rigoureux de contrôle de la qualité avant son expédition.
- Mon chien est-il sensible aux bactéries?
Les chiens ont une tolérance aux bactéries beaucoup plus grande que les humains. Pensez à toutes ces fois où vous avez vu votre chien se mettre le museau dans la saleté, boire dans une flaque d’eau ou manger ce qui traîne par terre!
Les chiens possèdent trois armes pour se défendre des bactéries nuisibles :
Une salive contenant des enzymes qui s’attaquent aux bactéries.
Des sucs gastriques à forte teneur en acide qui décomposent les bactéries dans leur estomac.
Un tube digestif court, pour une absorption plus rapide des aliments.
Votre chien tolérera une certaine quantité de bactéries sans aucune difficulté. Toute nourriture crue commerciale pour animaux domestiques ne devrait poser aucun problème, mais il est important d’éviter la nourriture crue pour animaux de moindre qualité ou produite à domicile. Tous les régimes crus ne se valent pas, n’oubliez pas! - Un régime cru peut-il causer la diarrhée chez mon animal?
Il est très rare que le passage à l’alimentation crue entraîne une diarrhée. Cela est même très inhabituel. Dans la plupart des cas, l’alimentation crue aide à produire des selles plus fermes et consistantes en moins de 24 heures. Très appréciable quand vient le temps de ramasser.
- Disposez-vous de l’information nutritionnelle de vos produits?
Oui, vous pouvez prendre connaissance de l’information nutritionnelle au sujet de chaque produit Bold by Nature en consultant les pages que nous leur dédions spécifiquement.
- Pourquoi vos produits coûtent-ils plus cher que ceux de certaines autres marques de nourriture crue pour animaux de compagnie?
N’oubliez pas, tous les aliments crus ne se valent pas. En nous conformant toujours aux normes Bold les plus strictes, nous sommes devenus les leaders de la catégorie nourriture crue pour animaux de compagnie. Notre gamme Bold by Nature Sélect est plus chère que celles de nos compétiteurs principalement parce qu’elle contient de la panse verte naturelle en quantité conséquente dans chacune des recettes. Le recours à de meilleures coupes de viande pour les gammes Sélect et Méga, et en plus grande proportion que les autres marques, contribuent aussi à en augmenter le coût.
Notre philosophie consiste à n’utiliser que des viandes que nous pourrions servir à notre table. Si vous achetiez de la viande pour vous-même, un morceau de poulet ou de bœuf à 1 $ la livre vous inspirerait-il confiance? Probablement pas. Pourquoi en serait-il autrement pour votre animal?
Si vous avez besoin de plus amples renseignements pour faire le passage à Bold, contactez-nous dès aujourd’hui. Nos experts vous attendent.
- Mon commerçant local ne tient pas votre marque en stock, puis-je commander directement chez vous?
Si votre commerçant ne tient pas les produits Bold by Nature, veuillez nous envoyer un courriel et nous communiquerons avec celui-ci. La plupart des commerçants acceptent de passer une commande lorsqu’un client en fait la demande.
Vous pouvez aussi visiter notre magasin situé à Erin en Ontario, où vous pourrez vous procurer tous nos produits au même prix que chez votre commerçant. Consultez la page Nous contacter pour les heures d’ouverture.
- Pourquoi devrais-je utiliser les suppléments Bold by Nature+ ? Sont-ils importants pour l'alimentation de mon animal?
Les suppléments sont utilisés pour diverses raisons, chacune avec ses propres avantages. Ils peuvent améliorer le bien-être général et aider votre animal dans différentes sphères de sa vie. Apprenez-en plus à leur sujet sur notre page « Suppléments ».
- D' oú vient la panse de Bold by Nature?
Notre panse est faite d’estomacs de vaches canadiennes élevées dans le pré. Elle provient d’installations sujettes à des inspections gouvernementales, qui sont soumises aux mêmes normes sanitaires que les installations qui conditionnent la nourriture destinée à la consommation humaine.
- Pourquoi la gamme Bold by Nature Sélect ne contient-elle ni fruits ni légumes?
Parce que nous avons un ingrédient secret : la panse! La panse contient tous les éléments nutritifs qu’on retrouve dans les fruits et légumes : les antioxydants, les vitamines, les minéraux et les fibres provenant de l’herbe contenue dans l’estomac des vaches. En prime, la panse est riche en probiotiques et en acides gras Omega-3. D’un point de vue nutritionnel, un mélange à base de panse procure une alimentation crue complète pour votre animal de compagnie grâce à un seul ingrédient élémentaire.
- Pourquoi votre nourriture crue contient-elle de la panse?
La panse est un aliment incroyablement nutritif pour votre animal, tout spécialement la panse verte. Elle améliore les fonctions cérébrales et cardiaques, la qualité de la peau et du pelage et surtout, la digestion!
Voici quelques précisions intéressantes au sujet de la panse verte Bold by Nature :
La panse affiche une teneur élevée en acides gras Omega, dont les Omega 3. C’est l’alternative idéale aux autres sources d’Omega 3, comme l’huile de poisson
Sa teneur en fibres est élevée en raison de l’herbe qu’elle contient et qui constitue l’essentiel du régime alimentaire de la vache.
Sa teneur en vitamines du complexe B est élevée, contribuant aux fonctions cérébrales, à une peau et à un pelage plus sain, et plus encore.
Elle contient plusieurs probiotiques bénéfiques, des bactéries présentes naturellement qui facilitent la digestion.
La panse Bold by Nature est la référence pour les mangeurs capricieux. Ajoutez ½ -1 galette de 3 onces de panse verte à tout repas et votre chien s’en régalera. - La panse, c'est quoi de la panse?
La panse, c’est un estomac de vache, de chevreuil, de mouton ou de tout autre ruminant. Les ruminants ont jusqu’à quatre estomacs pour digérer leur nourriture et en assimiler les nutriments.
Il est préférable d’offrir aux chiens de la panse dans sa forme la plus pure, ce qu’on nomme la panse verte naturelle, afin d’en tirer le maximum de bienfaits. Cela veut dire que la panse ne subit aucune transformation et nous arrive fraîche, directement de la ferme.
- Quelle quantité de panse faut-il donner en guise de supplément?
La panse peut être donnée en guise de supplément à tout régime alimentaire.
- Mon chat refuse toute nourriture crue. Comment faire la transition?
Ce n’est pas rare! La plupart des chats mettent un peu de temps pour adopter une nouvelle alimentation.
Si votre chat n’est pas fou du cru d’emblée, combinez mélange cru et nourriture pour chat en conserve. Par exemple, commencer avec ¼ de cru et ¾ de conserves. Diminuez graduellement la proportion de conserves jusqu’à n’offrir que du cru. Chaque chat étant unique, votre patience sera requise, car le processus peut parfois être long!
Contactez-nous si vous avez besoin d’aide pour introduire votre chat à la nourriture crue.
- Ca m'intéresse, mais je suis perplexe. Quelle quantité de nourriture devrais-je donner à mon chien ou à mon chat?
Vous ne pourrez pas vous tromper. Il suffit d’utiliser notre grille de calcul des rations pour savoir quelle est la portion recommandée pour votre animal.
- Alors, pourquoi faire le choix de la nourriture crue pour son ainmal?
Cette question est au centre de nos vies. Pour connaître la vérité toute crue, consultez la section Cru? Pourquoi? et la section Le blogue Bold, ou contactez-nous pour parler à un expert en chair et en os.
- Mon animal peut-il manger des croquettes et de la nourriture crue?
Voici la chose. Nous croyons que l’idéal est de servir exclusivement de la nourriture crue, mais s’il vous faut aussi servir des croquettes (par souci d’économie ou de commodité), vous pouvez servir l’un ou l’autre lors de repas distincts. Cependant, vous ne devriez jamais les servir ensemble! Les croquettes et la nourriture crue devraient être servies séparément, car elles ne sont pas digérées de la même façon par les chiens et chats.
En général, nous recommandons de ne servir que de la nourriture crue, mais si vous n’êtes pas encore prêts, voici quelques façons de procéder :
Donner 2 repas par jour : donner un repas cru et un repas de croquettes.
Ne donner que du cru pendant quelques jours, puis que des croquettes pendant quelques jours.Nous croyons qu’un peu de cru, c’est mieux que pas de cru du tout!
- Les mélanges de base Bold by Nature Méga, c'est quoi?
Nos mélanges de base Bold by Nature Méga représentent le meilleur choix pour les maîtres et les maîtresses qui désirent composer leur propre mélange cru. Nous proposons trois différents mélanges de base : Mélange Méga, Pur porc et Pur canard. Ces mélanges ne contiennent ni légumes ni varech.
Pour que le régime alimentaire de votre chien soit complet et équilibré, il faut y ajouter certains de ces ingrédients :
- Panse de bœuf
- Légumes
- Autres suppléments
N’hésitez pas à communiquer avec nous pour obtenir plus de renseignements sur la façon optimale de nourrir votre animal avec les mélanges de base Bold by Nature.
- Pourquoi choisir Bold by Nature Méga
La gamme Bold by Nature Méga a été conçue pour offrir une option de nourriture crue abordable pour les familles qui ont des chiens de grande taille, ou plus d’un chien dans la maisonnée.
Les mélanges de la gamme Méga contiennent 78 % de viande, 10 % d’os, 7 % de légumes et 5 % d’organes.
La philosophie diététique derrière notre gamme Bold by Nature Méga est la même que pour la gamme Sélect : viser à reproduire le régime alimentaire naturel d’un carnivore tout en offrant une option sans glucides.
Ce qui distingue la gamme crue Méga Chien, c’est que la panse est remplacée par des légumes nutritifs frais du potager afin d’offrir aux chiens de plus grande taille des portions qui satisfassent leur appétit tout en demeurant abordables. Ce mélange contient tout de même une faible proportion de légumes (7 %) comparativement aux produits de la compétition dans la même fourchette de prix.
Voici d’autres bonnes raisons de servir Bold by Nature Méga :
- Offert en pots commodes qui facilitent le service ou en galettes pré-faites de 8oz
- Le pot est hermétique pour éviter les fuites dans le frigo
- Contient des légumes nutritifs, pas des substances de remplissage
- Les chiens l’adorent, en raison de sa grande proportion de viande
- Mon chien peut-il manger de la nourriture Bold by Nature Sélect et de la Méga
Oui, vous pouvez lui servir les deux, en tout temps. Comme les humains, nos animaux ont besoin d’un régime varié… et de variété dans leur assiette! Nous recommandons une alternance régulière des protéines et des recettes servies, en raison des effets positifs à long terme sur la santé de votre animal que cela entraînera.
- Pourquoi choisir Bold by Nature Sélect
Bold by Nature Sélect est notre mélange de haute gamme d’aliments crus pour chiens. Elle est faite de panse verte de bœuf naturelle, de viandes et d’os moulus, d’organes et de varech. La panse provient de vaches canadiennes élevées dans le pré.
Les mélanges de la gamme Sélect contiennent 70 % de viande, 15 % de panse de bœuf, 10 % d’os et 5 % d’organes.
L’idée à l’origine de Bold by Nature Sélect était de reproduire le modèle du régime alimentaire naturel du carnivore, en y incluant de la panse pour son apport en huiles oméga, en probiotiques et en enzymes digestives contribuant à la santé de l’estomac.
Les mélanges crus de notre gamme Sélect ont aussi été conçus pour offrir une option crue sans glucides. Ces mélanges ne contiennent ni fruits ni légumes, ce qui est une bonne option pour les animaux présentant un diabète, une infection à levure ou un problème de poids. En plus, ils sont sans gluten!
Dès l’introduction de ce mélange, on a constaté des effets bénéfiques sur la santé de nos chiens, de notre plus jeune chiot jusqu’au doyen de la meute. Voici les effets observés :
- Selles moins volumineuses et bien constituées, facilitant le ramassage
- Digestion améliorée grâce aux probiotiques naturellement présents dans la panse
- Dents plus propres
- Poil et pelage plus sains
- Plus d’appétit chez les mangeurs capricieux
- My cat won't eat raw food, how do I switch it?
This is not uncommon! Most cats need a bit of time to make the switch.
If your cat does not take to raw right away, mix the raw blend with canned cat food. For example, start with ¼ raw food and ¾ canned food. Gradually reduce the canned food until you are feeding an entirely raw diet. Every cat is different — be patient as this can be a lengthy process!
Contact Us if you need help switching your cat to raw.
- How much tripe should I feed my pet as a supplement?
Tripe can be fed as a supplement to complement any diet. For more information on the natural benefits of tripe, click here
- Wait, what is tripe?
Tripe is the stomach of a cow, deer, sheep, or any other ruminant animal. Ruminant animals possess up to four stomach chambers where they break down and acquire nutrients from their food during digestion.
Dogs should be fed tripe in its purest form, a natural ‘green’ state, for it to be most beneficial. This means the tripe has not been denatured.
- Why does your raw food include tripe?
Tripe is an amazing nutritional food for your pet, especially when served in its natural ‘green’ state. It will help with brain function, heart function, skin and coat quality, and, most importantly digestion!
Here are some facts about our Bold by Nature natural ‘green’ tripe:
- It contains a high amount of omega fatty acids, including omega 3. Tripe serves as a great alternative to omega 3 options, such as fish oil.
- It is high in fibre because it contains grasses from the cow’s diet.
- It is high in Vitamin B complex, which supports brain function, heart function, skin health, coat health and more.
- It contains many healthy probiotics, naturally occurring bacterium that aid in digestion.
Our Bold by Nature tripe is the go-to food for picky eaters. Put 1/2 – 1 x 3 ounce patty of green beef tripe in any meal and your dog will eat it.
- Where does Bold by Nature Tripe come from?
Our tripe is made from the stomachs of Canadian cows. We have sourced our tripe from government-inspected facilities that pass safety standards required for human consumption.
- Where do Bold by Nature meats come from?
Similar to our Bold by Nature Tripe, our meat passes strict safety inspections for human consumption and is only sourced from government-inspected facilities that meet these same safety standards.
The majority of our meats come from local Canadian farms. Even our kelp comes from Atlantic Canada! Here is a list of our local farmers and processors:
– Sargent Farms , Fresh chicken delivered weekly from Milton Ontario
– Conestoga Pork, Fresh pork delivered weekly from Cambridge Ontario
– Highland Farms , Fresh and frozen beef delivered weekly from Stoney creek Ontario
– Norpac , fresh tripe picked up weekly from Woolwich Ontario
– Abate Packers, Fresh & frozen rabbits delivered weekly from Arthur Ontario
- Why don't you use fruit and veggies in your Bold by Nature Select line?
Because we have our secret ingredient, tripe! Tripe contains all of the nutrition that fruits and veggies normally supply. This includes antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and fibre from grasses in the cow’s stomach. The bonus is that tripe is also rich in probiotics and omega-3 fatty acids. A tripe-based blend offers a nutritionally complete raw diet for pets, all from one basic ingredient.
- If you're feeding raw food, what are the risks from bacteria like salmonella and e-coil?
Not all raw diets are created equal. Here at Bold by Nature, we take food safety very seriously. We follow a strict food safety program (HACCP) to reduce the risk from pathogens. All our meats are sourced from government-inspected, certified facilities that pass safety standards required for human consumption. Each finished formula must pass strict quality control protocols before shipping.
- Is my dog susceptible to bacteria?
Dogs have a much higher tolerance to bacteria than humans. Think about all the times that you have seen your dog sticking their nose in dirty things, drinking out of puddles or eating stuff off the ground!
Dogs have three things that help them deal with harmful bacteria:
- Saliva that contains bacteria-fighting enzymes.
- Highly acidic gastric juices that break down bacteria in their stomach.
- A short digestive tract that is able to quickly process what they eat.
Your dog can handle a certain amount of bacteria without any issue. Any high quality commercial raw pet food should be no problem, but it’s important to avoid raw pet food that people make cheaply or sell out of their homes. Remember that not all raw diets are created equal.
- Can a raw food diet cause diarrhea for my pet?
Very rarely does switching to a raw pet food diet cause diarrhea. This is very uncommon. In most cases, a raw pet food diet will lead to firmer, more consistent poops within 24 hours. Your poop bags will thank you.
- Do you have a nutritional analysis for your products?
Yes, you can view a nutritional analysis for each Bold by Nature product by browsing our specific product pages.
- Why is your product more expensive than some other raw pet food brands?
Remember, not all raw is created equal. By remaining true to the Bold standard, we lead the pack in the raw pet food category. Our Bold by Nature Select line is more expensive than other raw food brands mainly because of our natural green tripe content and how much is in each formula. Both our Select and Mega lines use high-end cuts of meat in larger quantities than other brands, which contributes to the costs as well.
Our philosophy is to source meats we’d serve ourselves. If you were buying meat for yourself, you wouldn’t trust a cut of chicken or beef that cost $1 per lb. Don’t treat your pet any differently!
If you’re looking for more information on making the Bold switch to better, contact us today. Our Pets-perts are waiting.
- My local retailer doesn't carry your food, can I order direct from you?
If your retailer does not carry Bold by Nature, please send us an email and we can reach out to them. Most retailers will order a product if a customer asks for it.
- Why should I use Bold by Nature+ Supplements? Are they important to my pet's diet?
Supplements are used for a variety of reasons, each with their own benefits. They can improve overall wellness and assist your pet in different areas of their lives. Learn more about them on our supplements page.
- How will Bold by Nature+ Supplements benefit my pet?
Made with locally sourced ingredients, our new pet health supplements have been formulated to improve overall pet wellness, promote a healthier coat, and more.
- My pet is on medication. Can I use Bold by Nature+ Supplements?
Our rule of thumb — always check with your veterinarian if your pet is on medication. For example, our Slippery Elm can sometimes change how medication is absorbed in the digestive tract. So, it isn’t always recommended for use with some medications. It is also important to note that some of our Bold by Nature+ Supplements can be used on a regular basis, like the Green Lipped Mussel. Others are to be used on a temporary basis. Please read directions on label for more information.
- Are Bold by Nature+ Supplements okay to use for both cats and dogs?
Yes, we do not carry separate dog supplements or cat supplements. Our supplements are perfectly safe for your cats and dogs to use and we’re sure they’ll appreciate the extra tastes! Please read directions on label for more information!
- Why choose Bold Nature select?
Our Bold by Nature Select line is our signature blend of raw food for dogs. It is made from natural ‘green’ tripe, ground meat and bones, organ meat, and kelp. The tripe is sourced from 100 % Canadian cows.
The ratio of Select is 70% meat, 15% beef tripe, 10% bone and 5% organs.
The idea behind Bold by Nature Select was to model the natural prey diet of a cat or a dog, using tripe to add omega oils, probiotics, and digestive enzymes to encourage a healthy stomach.
Our Select Raw blends were also designed to provide a carbohydrate free raw diet option. The blend contains no fruits or veggies, which is great for pets with diabetes, yeast issues, or weight problems. It is also gluten free!
When we started feeding the blend, there were immediate, positive effects for our dogs’ health — from the youngest pups to the senior pack members. Here are the benefits that we discovered:
- Well-formed stools & much less to clean up
- Better digestion due to natural probiotics found in tripe
- Cleaner teeth
- Improved quality of coat & fur
- Better appetite from picky eaters
- Why choose Bold by Nature Mega?
The Bold by Nature Mega line was created to provide an affordable raw food option for families with bigger dogs or multi-dog households.
The ratios of Bold by Nature Mega are 78% meat, 10% bone, 7% vegetable blend and 5% organs.
Our Bold by Nature Mega line stays true to the dietary philosophy of Bold by Nature Select, aiming to model the natural prey diet and provide a reduced carbohydrate option.
The difference in Mega Dog Raw is that nutritious, farm-fresh vegetables have replaced the tripe to meet the portion needs of a bigger dog at a more economical price point. The blend still contains a low vegetable content (7%) compared to similarly-priced options.
Here are some of the other reasons to feed Bold by Nature Mega:
- Easy to scoop-and-serve tub format or convenient pre-portioned 8oz patties
- Tub reseals to prevent leaks in the fridge
- Nutritious veggies, no filler content
- Dogs love it — thanks to the high meat content
- Can I feed both Bold by Nature Select and Mega to my dog?
Yes, you can feed both at any time. Pets need variety in their diets and bowls, just like humans. We recommend that you rotate proteins and recipes on a regular basis, as this will improve your pet’s health in the long term.
- What are the Bold by Nature Mega Base Blends all about?
Our Bold By Nature Mega Base Blends are the perfect option for pet owners who create their own raw pet food mix. We have three Base Blend offerings: Mega Blend, Pure Pork, and Pure Duck. These blends are not balanced as they do not contain vegetables or kelp.
To balanced the diet, they should be supplemented with any of the following:
- Tripe
- Vegetables
- Other supplements
Please feel free to contact us for more information on how to properly feed your pet with our Bold by Nature Base Blends.
- Can I feed both kibble and raw food?
Here’s the scoop. Although we do believe that feeding only a raw diet is best, if you still need to feed some kibble (due to budget or convenience), you can feed both kibble and raw food in separate meals. However, you should never mix the two together! Kibble and raw should be fed separately as they are digested differently by both dogs and cats.
We generally recommend only feeding raw, but if you’re not ready yet, you have a couple of options:
- Feed one raw meal and one kibble meal per day.
- Feed raw for several days, then feed kibble for several days.
We believe that some raw is better than no raw!
- So, why choose raw pet food?
We live for this question. Get raw facts by visiting our Why Raw section, Contacting Us to speak to a live Pets-pert.
- I'm interested but confused. How much should I feed my dog or cat?
We’ve made this pet-owner proof. Simply use of quick and easy Feeding Calculator to find out the specific feeding recommendations for your pet.
- Why choose Bold by Nature Mega?
The Bold by Nature Mega line was created to provide an affordable raw food option for families with bigger dogs or multi-dog households.
The ratios of Bold by Nature Mega are 78% meat, 10% bone, 7% vegetable blend and 5% organs.
Our Bold by Nature Mega line stays true to the dietary philosophy of Bold by Nature Select, aiming to model the natural prey diet and provide a reduced carbohydrate option.
The difference in Mega Dog Raw is that nutritious, farm-fresh vegetables have replaced the tripe to meet the portion needs of a bigger dog at a more economical price point. The blend still contains a low vegetable content (7%) compared to similarly-priced options.
Here are some of the other reasons to feed Bold by Nature Mega:
- Easy to scoop-and-serve tub format or convenient pre-portioned 8oz patties
- Tub reseals to prevent leaks in the fridge
- Nutritious veggies, no filler content
- Dogs love it — thanks to the high meat content
- Why choose Bold By Nature Select?
Our Bold by Nature Select line is our signature blend of raw food for dogs. It is made from natural ‘green’ tripe, ground meat and bones, organ meat, and kelp. The tripe is sourced from 100 % Canadian cows.
The ratio of Select is 70% meat, 15% beef tripe, 10% bone and 5% organs.
The idea behind Bold by Nature Select was to model the natural prey diet of a cat or a dog, using tripe to add omega oils, probiotics, and digestive enzymes to encourage a healthy stomach.
Our Select Raw blends were also designed to provide a carbohydrate free raw diet option. The blend contains no fruits or veggies, which is great for pets with diabetes, yeast issues, or weight problems. It is also gluten free!
When we started feeding the blend, there were immediate, positive effects for our dogs’ health — from the youngest pups to the senior pack members. Here are the benefits that we discovered:
- Well-formed stools & much less to clean up
- Better digestion due to natural probiotics found in tripe
- Cleaner teeth
- Improved quality of coat & fur
- Better appetite from picky eaters
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