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Peanut butter is a beloved treat enjoyed by many humans worldwide, and it’s no surprise that pet owners often wonder if their furry companions can also partake in this nutty delight. Dogs, being some of the most loyal and lovable creatures on Earth, often find themselves eyeing our snacks, and peanut butter is no exception. 

But is peanut butter good for dogs? Before you share a dollop with your pup, it’s essential to understand the potential risks and benefits associated with dogs and peanut butter. In this blog, we’ll explore whether peanut butter is safe for dogs, what types to choose, how to serve it responsibly, potential alternatives for those furry friends with allergies, and the creative ways you can incorporate peanut butter into your dog’s diet.

Dog eating peanut butter off of a spoon

Is peanut butter safe for dogs?

The short answer is yes, dogs can generally eat peanut butter in moderation. Peanut butter for dogs is safe, nutritious, and commonly found in treats, but there are a few considerations to keep in mind. Natural, unsweetened peanut butter is preferable over the varieties that contain added sugars, xylitol (a sugar substitute toxic to dogs), or excessive salt. When choosing peanut butter for your canine companion, always read the label and opt for natural peanut butter that contains only peanuts. Many conventional brands contain excess sugar, additives and sweeteners or even artificial sweeteners that are extremely toxic to dogs.

Potential health benefits

Peanut butter for dogs, when consumed in moderation, can offer some health benefits to your furry friend. It is a good source of protein, healthy fats, vitamin E, and niacin (vitamin B3). These nutrients support a dog’s skin and coat health, immune system, and energy levels. The monounsaturated fats in peanut butter can also have positive effects on heart health in dogs, just as they do in humans. 

If you’re wondering “why do dogs like peanut butter”, its taste and smell is very highly appealing to them! This makes it an excellent tool for hiding medications or encouraging them during training sessions.

Keep moderation in mind

While peanut butter for dogs can be a nutritious treat, it’s crucial to remember that it should be given in moderation. Like all calorie-dense foods, dogs and peanut butter excess can lead to weight gain and potential health issues in dogs. A little peanut butter can go a long way, and it’s best reserved for special occasions or as a supplement to your pup’s regular diet. The appropriate serving size depends on your dog’s size, age, and activity level. 

Puppy eating kong with peanut butter in it.

How much peanut butter is good for dogs?

To start, Pet MD says it is reasonable to limit peanut butter offerings to half a teaspoon for a small dog, twice per day or one teaspoon for a medium or large dog, twice per day as a maximum amount

Although, a general rule of thumb is to limit peanut butter treats to no more than 10% of your dog’s daily caloric intake.

Beware of xylitol!

One critical caveat to consider is the presence of xylitol in certain peanut butter brands. The AKC says that xylitol is a sugar substitute commonly used in sugar-free products, such as gum and candies. It is highly toxic to dogs and can lead to severe complications, including hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), seizures, and liver failure. Always double-check the ingredients to ensure that the peanut butter you offer your dog is xylitol-free. As xylitol poisoning can be life-threatening, it’s crucial to keep any products containing xylitol out of your dog’s reach.

Feeding methods

When introducing peanut butter to your dog, it’s best to start with a small amount to gauge their reaction. Some dogs may develop allergies or sensitivities to peanut butter, though this is relatively uncommon. If your dog hasn’t had peanut butter before, observe them closely for any signs of adverse reactions, such as itching, swelling, vomiting, or diarrhea.

To avoid any potential choking hazards, it’s recommended to serve peanut butter to your dog in a lickable form or stuff it inside puzzle toys designed for dogs, like a Kong or lick mat. This makes the experience both enjoyable and mentally stimulating for your furry friend. You can also mix a small amount of peanut butter with your dog’s regular food to enhance its taste and encourage them to eat.

training treat

Alternatives for dog allergies

If you’ve been wondering “is peanut butter good for dogs”, it totally is, but it’s important to be aware of allergies. If your dog is allergic to peanuts or you prefer to avoid peanut butter altogether, there are plenty of alternative treats you can offer. Many pet stores offer peanut butter-flavoured treats made specifically for dogs, which do not contain actual peanuts. These treats are a safer option for dogs with peanut allergies. Alternatively, you can explore other dog-friendly spread options such as almond butter or sunflower seed butter. Always ensure that any alternative treats you choose are safe and appropriate for canine consumption.

Dogs and peanut butter: incorporating it into peanut their diet

Beyond using peanut butter as an occasional treat, there are several creative ways to incorporate this nutty delight into your dog’s diet. You can mix peanut butter with plain yogurt to create a tasty frozen treat for hot summer days. Simply spoon the mixture into ice cube trays and freeze them for a refreshing snack that also helps keep your dog cool.

Another option is to use peanut butter as a bonding tool during grooming sessions. If your dog dislikes having their nails trimmed or getting a bath, offer them a small lick of peanut butter on a lick mat or a spoon as a distraction. This positive association can make grooming more enjoyable for both you and your dog.

What other foods are good for your dog?

While peanut butter and dogs go together as a tasty treat, it’s more important to ensure your pup is getting a healthy meal, day in and day out.

With that said, we recommend Bold by Nature raw food for dogs. These diets are similar to that of a wild dog, which typically eats prey animals and plants. Proponents of raw food diets believe that this type of diet is more natural and healthier for dogs than traditional kibble or canned dog food.

The benefits of a raw food diet for dogs can include cleaner teeth, shinier coats, and even a healthier digestive system (if you’ve ever wondered how long does it take for dogs to digest – it’s only six to eight hours). On top of these benefits, the high meat content found in our raw diets helps to satisfy even the most finicky palettes with delicious tastes.

These recipes include a variety of different ingredients, including raw meat (such as beef, chicken, or turkey), bones, organs (such as liver or kidney), and vegetables (such as carrots or collard greens). 

If you’re looking to give your dog a little boost, Bold by Nature also offers supplements for dogs like slippery elm. From heart health to the benefit of fish oil for dogs like healthier skin and coat, you can give your pet’s bowl a delicious, sugar-free boost! 

Where can I find Bold by Nature products?

You already know where you can get herbs and spices for dogs, but what about Bold by Nature products? You can purchase Bold by Nature products, like raw pet food in Ontario and the rest of Canada, either online or at a local retailer that carries Bold by Nature products. If you’re unsure of which stores carry our products, you can use our location finder to explore retailers.


Peanut butter and dogs go together like bacon and eggs, but make sure to offer it responsibly and in moderation. Natural, unsweetened peanut butter without xylitol is the best choice for dogs. Remember to read the labels, observe your dog’s reaction to this new treat, and ensure it complements their regular diet.

If you have any questions, like how much raw food should I feed my dog or if salmonella in dogs is possible, please feel free to contact us!