Promoting Healthy Cat Teeth: What to Know About Cat Dental Disease & Cat Oral Care

If there’s one thing that makes us flash our pearly whites into a big smile, it’s knowing that our pet’s health is in good condition. Speaking of pearly whites, it’s just as important to take care of your cat’s teeth as it is to take care of your own. Designing a dental routine for them…

Your Guide to Prebiotics & Probiotics for Dogs

You may not know it, but you’ve probably consumed prebiotics, probiotics, or both at some point in your life. They can be found in many food products, and prebiotics and probiotics both serve as extremely beneficial tools to our health and your dog’s.  Within this blog, we’ll help you understand the difference between prebiotics and…

Dog Food Ingredients 101: Ingredients to Look For & Ingredients to Avoid in Dog Food

Dog food ingredients to avoid Homes Alive Pets says that while packages and commercials can be misleading, the most important information you’ll want to look for is located right on the ingredients list. This will list out the good and bad dog food ingredients, let you know exactly what’s going into your pet’s system and…

Spot the Signs: Dog Food Allergies and Symptoms

We all experience allergies at some point in our lives. Whether they’re food related, seasonally charged, or from something completely unique to you, we’re all prone to having them and that’s no different for our four-legged friends. Finding what causes or triggers allergies in dogs will always vary from pet to pet, but a healthy…

Understanding the Benefits of Fish Oil for Dogs

As one of the most popular supplements on earth, fish oil has been benefiting people for well over a century. Better yet, fish oils are not only are they great for humans, but their nutritional value provides a world of advantages for our four-legged friends, too. Whether it’s healthier skin or anti-inflammatory properties, fish oil…