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While Canada boasts some of the world’s highest human food standards, our country’s raw pet food industry does not share the same level of regulation. At present, there is no national regulatory body that governs the pet food industry. This implies that the government trusts that each manufacturer adheres to good manufacturing practices to ensure pet food is safe for Canadians. 

As pet parents, we have always understood and been committed to ensuring the safety of our products by following the Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) standards.  

What is HACCP? 

A globally recognized human food safety system with clear standards and transparency is the core of our food defense program. Think of the HACCP principles as the steps required to manage and control food safety risks in a business.  

There are seven principles of HACCP:  

– Conduct a Hazard Analysis

– Identify Critical Control Points 

– Establish Critical Limits 

– Monitor Critical Control Points 

– Establish Corrective Actions 

– Establish Record Keeping Procedures 

  • Establish Verification Procedures 

We are thrilled to announce that we are HACCP certified, furthering our commitment to providing our retailers and consumers with clear, verifiable, and transparent standards. 

Our audited food defense program includes: 

– HACCP third-party food safety audit program. 

    • Strict food safety controls. 
    • Most recent audited HACCP certification was September 18th, 2023. 

– Only human-grade, CFIA-inspected suppliers.

    • All suppliers must provide current food safety documentation via a Letter of Guarantee. 
    • We require a Certificate of Analysis from each meat supplier, including Microbiological testing results. 

– The monitoring of water microbiology and quality testing for Toal coliform and E.Coli. 

– Regular batch testing for salmonella, e-coli, and listeria by third-party laboratories. 

    • MidWest Labs, Bio mérieux, and SGS Guelph.

– As Canada’s exclusive raw food manufacturer employing an In-line continuous tunnel freezer, we can freeze patties within minutes, ensuring the entire process from raw material to final frozen packaging is completed within hours. 

– Our facility and equipment undergo nightly cleaning and sanitation conducted by CFIA-approved third-party specialists. 

– Implementing a food defense plan ensures a safe working environment for our employees while delivering a high-quality, safe product to our customers and retailers. 

Bold by Nature stands among the select few raw food manufacturers to achieve HACCP certification. It’s important to recognize that the quality of raw pet foods varies, and numerous companies may not undergo audits for food safety. 

We understand the importance of your inquiries and concerns and are dedicated to providing any additional information you may require. 

Please email us at or call us at 1-888-826-5359 

Learn more about HACCP from the Canadian Institute of Food Safety.